Saturday 16 February 2013

Korean-Pop freak

Well... i've been really really mad about this thing called KPOP. When you got this madness, it will never be cured. NEVERRRRR. hahaha what a weird beginning wasn't it? keke~ well here are some random gifs of kpop starssss... bang the drums..... TADADADAAAAHHHH
well.. forgive me if it's not all of the kpop stars.. :( because if it's all then it'll take 13243453546centuries to publish lol

Thursday 14 February 2013

14th February

Happy Valentine's day readers! due to valentine's day, the font color on this post is RED :) hehe~ okay well no, just kidding. it's all because Valentine's spirit is somehow GONE, you know. That's why you can't feel this special day, well yes some of you who share your love with your girl/boyfriends and no, i dont have a girlfriend,i'm like 12. So what do i do in valentine's day? what i can do is just eat the chocolate that people gave me AND watch people dating like a movie #foreveralone T.T haha~ so yeaa that's how i spent my valentine's day. i hope you readers have a really good time with the people you love! 
One more thing, I LOVE YOU READERS! xx :) (this is serious okay) 

Saturday 9 February 2013

CNY's cny already which means...RED POCKETS AND COOKIESSSSSSSS! what sucks are homeworks that are given from school.totally unfair T_T. So yeah........

 Image from tumblr (check my tumblr out,don't just check out,FOLLOW TOO!) So happy Chinese new Year ;D x

Friday 8 February 2013

Carpe Diem

Just had an amazing day of my life. went out with my friends due to the Chinese new year holiday,we played this game called "Animal Caiser" until insane. We got 5 evolution cards.excited much. Then we played this classic game as you know pac-man,and its quite lot of fun,out of my expectation. so yeaaaahh...
unfortunately we didnt take any single shot,so its just a pic of a random kpop singer from Super Junior hihi

Thursday 7 February 2013

The another start.

So...I guess you knew me already,or you may not(Y U NO CHECK MY PROFILE!) i've been blogging before,quite a long time ago. I guess i'm making A NEW START
